Health on a Platter
Health on a Platter

Try a Chai to fight the winter chills

Indian tea with milk and spices
- Tonic tea to warm you up

Tips & Shopping
Tips & Shopping

Spruce Warming Bath Essence
Dr Hauschka answer to winter cold

January - Winter sun warning
January - Winter sun warning

With the cold season, the last thing on most women’s minds is the thought of applying sunscreen. However, they should know that the sun's reflection from ice and snow has eight times more UV radiation than water... Learn more

January - Fight winter woes with almonds
January - Fight winter woes with almonds

Winter is in… And with it, comes chapped lips, dry skin and split ends! We have some great DIY solutions for winter beauty problems. Best of all, most of them can be found in your kitchen! Here are some tips on how to use almonds to fight winter woes.

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