Health on a Platter
Health on a Platter

Having a peaches and cream complexion is not just a saying. Peaches are our beauty ally through the summer season.  

Tips & Shopping
Tips & Shopping

Sunburn, what is it?
Since skin damage continues well after exposure, Clarins has used all its sun care expertise to create its range of After Sun Skin Soothers.

July - Perspiring
July - Perspiring

Perspiring - it's perfectly natural!
Emotion, stress, physical activity, a few minutes stuck in traffic in mid-summer and we're soaked! It's perfectly natural!
But if you're leaving perspiration stains first thing in the morning on a light dress or tank top, your "natural" may have a problem!

July - Photosensitizers - Enemies of sunlight
July - Photosensitizers - Enemies of sunlight

Contrary to popular belief it's not in August, the hottest month of the year, that the sun's rays are most harmful. It is rather towards the end of June, around the time of the summer solstice, that the sun hits the boiling point… so to speak.

There is a wide array of products we don't think about that can cause redness or spots when we're out in the sun.

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