Health on a Platter
Health on a Platter

It is recommanded to eat fish 2 to 3 times a week

Sole rolls steamed with lemongrass 329 Kcal.
Smoked Salmon Toasts with Fromage Frais - 109 Kcal.

Tips & Shopping
Tips & Shopping

The change in season signals a shift in your personal care product picks. Falling for you with Unilever

September - How Your Skin Changes as You Age 30's
September - How Your Skin Changes as You Age 30's

Fall's the perfect time for new beginnings and an occasion to reevaluate your beauty regimen. Be sure your skincare is adapted to your age for best results.

Each week we will focuse on a decade. Don't miss yours.

Already published: 20's

October - Get into the best physical shape to maintain your legs
October - Get into the best physical shape to maintain your legs

Beautiful Legs in Every Season with Julie Ferrez, fitness and wellness coach to the stars.

Your skin has to face each season and it adapts, with varying degrees of success, to the resulting changes in weather and lifestyle. Cold, wind, rain and sun are all stresses for your skin. Here are 4 fall’s tips for staying sexy.

Do you know aquabiking, this trendy fitness concept?

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