Get to know yourself!

Every woman knows perfect skin is a rare thing. Even beautiful-looking skin always has some bothersome aspect. It is either too dry or too oily, blemished by blackheads or pimples, marked by rosacea… or who knows what else! Today's cosmetologists understand these problems and are creating products designed to solve them, filled with active rejuvenating ingredients.

Skin is alive and changes according to the season, as well as with age, hormonal fluctuations, diet and lifestyle. Before buying skincare products, know how to identify your particular skin type so that you can give your skin all the appropriate care it needs.

Let us help with some skin care and make-up tips


Shin types
Skin problems

Learn all about

Combating the most common problems : puffiness, wrinkles, dark circles... and more


Skincare for all ages

Skincare for all ages
Our skin's needs change with age, and so should our skincare. How old are you? 18, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60+'s? Click on your age group.

Want to look younger without the discomfort and cost of cosmetic surgery? The youthful appearance of the face depends on its fullness, i.e. its volume.


Is your skin showing signs of fatigue?
Try our questionnaire to assess your level of skin fatigue

What if your skin could talk about its stress?

The Teeth

Every morning, in every household from coast to coast, the sounds of bristles whisking over teeth can be heard. This daily routine is a necessary lifelong commitment to maintain those pearly whites.

In the beginning… A look at the toothbrush evolution

Brushing Tips for Healthy Teeth and Gums 

And more...

Taking care of your skin season by season

Jacline Answers Your Questions


  • Is it true that our skin "gets used" to a product, making it ineffective in the long term?
  • I just bought a new product. How much time will it take for me to start seeing results?
  • My products are all from different companies. Does that make them less effective?

How should I store my skincare creams?

Should I use the same bar soap for my face as for my body? 

Does lack of sleep really cause wrinkles?

A few solutions

A healthy diet


And don't forget: enough sleep! That is when the skin's cells repair and regenerate themselves.

If you take antibiotics you should counter their negative effects on the epidermis with an increased intake of foods rich in vitamin B.

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