Grapes: your ally for a great complexion

Using grapes in cosmetology dates back to at least the 17th century and the court of the French King Louis XIV, when it was the style to apply aged wine to the face to create a radiant complexion. At the same time, its lightening properties were well-known to French winemakers. Nowadays these little round jewels with the waxy bloom are used in vinotherapy.

Products with and without seeds!
  • Caudalie

A whole range of grape-based products. See our report

  • Vinéfit from Lancôme

day cream made with white grape seed extracts, pulp and polyphenols

  • Draine-Minceur from Biotherm,

a body cream containing grape seeds for their draining effect

  • Contouring Facial Lift from Clarins

containing grape for its soothing and anti-free radical properties. A product designed for women who are concerned about their face appearing too round, those whose features may appear heavier with age or those who want their face to appear slimmer as they lose weight. In the same line, you’ll find Age-Control Hand Lotion which also contains grape.

  • Shu Uemura Regenerate

a Japanese anti-aging line containing cabernet sauvignon (with anti-aging polyphenols)

  • Timotei Grape Shampoo

In its shampoo specially designed for oily roots and dry ends, Timotei takes advantage of the nourishing, revitalizing and refreshing properties of the grape: roots breathe and ends are strengthened!

  • Firming Fluid from Aveda

with grape leaf extracts

To find out more about the grape, consult The Worldwide Gourmet


You’ve no doubt heard about the benefits of drinking a glass of wine a day, but you may be surprised to learn how many riches are hidden in a tiny grape seed. Its secret? Polyphenols, substances rich in vitamin E, that have the power to strengthen the skin’s natural protective defenses and effectively fight off free radicals, which are 80% responsible for aging. By successfully stabilizing these molecules in the 1990s, Professor Joseph Vercauteren opened the door to a new art of body care.

Physical and Cosmetological Properties

The grape, the king of the fruit world, is rich in quickly-assimilated sugars as well as in vitamins (C, A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, E, PP, P), minerals, acids and trace elements including phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, chlorine, silica, manganese, iron, iodine, zinc and copper. These riches make the grape one of nature’s best sources of energy.

Properties of the Grape Seed

Softener; exfoliative, revitalizer. Combats free radicals. Antioxidant (making it an ally in the fight against aging). Nourishing and regenerating. Rich in PCOs that provide protection against harmful UV rays. Grape seed is also recommended for treating heaviness in the legs and varicose veins.

Grape juice extract used in cosmetology contains significant amounts of tannins, vitamins and fruit acids, endowing it with brightening, protective and mildly exfoliative properties.

The "Grape Cure"

The grape cure became very much the “in” thing in Switzerland, Germany and Italy during the second half of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. If you’ve declared war on cellulite, this fall why not try the grape cure: grapes, and nothing but grapes, for 3 to 6 days to give you a clearer complexion, healthier skin and a purified body. The treatment cleanses the kidneys and liver and soothes the intestines as it detoxifies, purifies and remineralizes the body.

A survey of 500 people done in 1990 by the Terre Vivante association showed that the grape cure seems to be a unique way of revitalizing our bodies which are constantly assaulted by stress and thousands of pollutants. “Great shape, amazing tone, energy, bliss, well-being…”: these are some of the words used to describe the experience by those who have taken the grape cure. Ninety per cent of those who complained of fatigue before the cure noted an improvement, often a dramatic one, in their condition.

You can pamper yourself with this unique cure at the Sources de Caudalie in France, where it is offered only during the grape harvest season, from September until the end of October. It’s an intoxicating experience!

A little oil on your salad?

Cold-pressed grape seed oil is the only food product in the world to contain large amounts of procyanidin (the bioflavonoid oligomeric proanthocyanidin, or OPC), one of the most effective of all antioxidants. Just like cosmetic products, grape seed oil contains antioxidants that provide protection against free radicals and prevent the oxidation of our skin’s lipids, thus slowing aging.

Grape seed oil is distinguished by its particularly high content of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, essential to our bodies. Its anti-cholesterol properties reinforce its central role in preventing cardiovascular illness. Easily digestible and appreciated by connoisseurs, grape seed oil provides a perfect blend of lightness and flavour.

But be careful: the oil must be pressed naturally. In commercial oils that have been chemically pressed, almost all the important bioactive ingredients have been destroyed. This is mostly due to the fact that refined grape seed oil is produced with seeds that have been roasted rather than having been dried with hot air. Commercially-produced oil bears no comparison with artisanal oil, either in quality or taste. The latter has a high vitamin E content and an intense hazelnut, grape and brandy flavour, with overtones of ripe banana and fresh butter. It provides the same nutritional qualities as if it were still contained within the microscopic membranes of the grape.

Rough skin?
  1. Crush a few grapes in some honey
  2. Spread the mixture on your skin and leave on for 20 minutes.
  3. Rinse well; pat your face dry with a towel (don’t rub); apply your day or night cream.
Oily skin?
  1. Combine 10 tbsp. grape juice with 5 tsp. distilled water in a bowl.
  2. Add 10 tbsp. sweet almond oil and mix well.
  3. Place in a bottle, close tightly and store in the refrigerator.
  4. Use morning and evening by soaking a cotton ball with the mixture and wiping it over the oily regions; rinse off with cool water to tighten up your pores.
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