Damaged hair

All about haircare > Say goodbye to damaged hair

Beautiful, flawless hair doesn't happen by chance. It takes the right combination of products, tools and tips to tame frizz, add volume and create a look. Discover solutions for your damaged hair's condition and show it who is boss.

Prevention is better than cure. Let’s face it, most of us aren't saints when it comes to taking care of our scalp and strands. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that most women believe their hair is damaged. Dee Daly, Head & Shoulders celebrity hair stylist shares with us 10 Ways to Rescue your Scalp and Strands to looking fabulous:

If you want to know more about what is hair damage, what are the signs of hair damage and what causes hair damage, click here to learn more.

1. Respect your scalp

A healthy scalp is the only route to beautiful hair. Without a healthy foundation hair won't grow properly. Think of it as a plant. If the leaves are not properly cared for and fed by healthy soil, they appear dull, lifeless and will even die. The quality and appearance of your hair is a manifestation of the health and condition of your scalp and body.

2. Stay cool

When in the shower you should always use lukewarm water - if it is too hot it will irritate the scalp and strip the skin and hair of its natural oils.

3. Daily regimen

Women claim that colouring or bleaching their hair is the main factor that contributes to hair damage. Whether or not you are chemically treating your hair it is critical that you incorporate a nourishing shampoo and conditioner.

4. Be patient

Don't over comb wet hair. Patience is the key for healthy tresses.

5. Turn it down

Avoid using a hair dryer at its hottest setting especially when hair is very wet (its most fragile state). Instead, try to air dry completely or as much as possible before you consider picking up the hair dryer.

6. Try to limit your heating tool use

Women claim that using a thermal styling device is a key factor to their hair damage.

If you use a curling iron or straightening iron, try skipping the blow dryer and let you hair air dry first.

7. Soft sleep

Consider using a silk or satin pillowcase, which are softer on hair and can actually prolong a blowout too. Also avoid sleeping with your hair in a tight bun or pony tail.

8. Avoid scratching!

Scratching and twirling hair can actually cause hair breakage and permanent damage.

9. Be active

Women claim that stress causes hair damage. Exercise is not only a must for overall health and well-being, it can also have a positive impact on our scalp and hair. Exercise improves the quality and texture of your hair and skin. Apart from this, the added benefits of exercise can also relieve your stress.

10. Watch your diet

If you favour high calorie junk food, then your hair hardly gets any nourishment and tends to break or fall. Simply include fish and proteins that are rich in essential amino and fatty acids, opt for fresh dark green vegetables, munch on nuts like almonds and walnuts, and go for whole grains in your diet. Do not crash diet or starve to reduce weight as it will have a harmful effect on hair.

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