2019 - 06 - In the era for natural products, do you know the Ghassoul

New products > Aurys > Ghassoul

In the era for natural products, Ghassoul is a must-have or… at least, a must-try!

Ghassoul natural clay has been used for centuries. It has a fuzzy appearance, rich in minerals and is exceptional in skin care and hair ingredient. Rhassoul is mined organically from deposits deep in the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. This is the result of a natural process of the geothermal and volcanic activity.

Moroccan Ghassoul Clay can be used as detoxifying cleanser, skin conditioner, shampoo, and facial and body mask. It has a number of outstanding benefits that surpass those of other clays because it contains the highest content of silica, magnesium, potassium and calcium, and because of its extraordinary smectic qualities (absorption ability).

For hair

As a hair treatment, Moroccan Ghassoul Clay cleanses the hair, removing impurities, and leaves hair bouncy and voluminous.

Great anti-dandruff material:
The Ghassoul Clay cures the dead and dull skin and stabilizes the secretion of sebum which assists in fighting dandruff.

For face

Use as a mask, it reduces dryness, improves skin clarity and elasticity and has extractive abilities that remove impurities and unblock pores, even stubborn blackheads.

It Sustains the Skin
Ghassoul contains minerals that are useful for the skin, especially silica and magnesium. Silica is an important element for the production of collagen and is often used in the formulation of the skin. Magnesium, on the other hand, is also an important mineral needed by the body, which is easily absorbed into the skin. Magnesium guards against damage caused by free radicals that lead to wrinkles and guards against irritation caused by acne and allergies.

Smooth and Tightening ability
The clay particle exfoliates the skin gently by removing dead skin cells and also shrinking the pores. Consistent use of Ghassoul results in smooth and uniformly toned complexion.

Opens up the dead cells
The skin which is dull and dead never looks appealing by any means. To get away with the same issue, the Ghassoul Clay comes with the naturally abrasive style that enables you to peel off the dead cells from the dead cells and initially transforming your skin into a smoother and softer shape.

Cleansing of the pores
The very Ghassoul Clay has a soaplike formation and lather which is organically highly efficient for the purpose of deeply cleaning up dead and clogged up pores of the skin. Other than that, it sucks up pollution and dirt to purify wholly.

Cures oily skin
The Ghassoul Clay comes with all the abilities to soak the oil from deep inner parts of the skin. Therefore, allowing the skin to resist pimples or blackheads.

Soothes the rough skin
In addition to the skin of your face, if you have got rough knees or dull elbows, then Ghassoul Clay is ideal for softening and smoothing these tough parts efficiently. It also treats broken heels and bumpiness.

Firms your skin
Since Ghassoul clay contains organic and natural astringent characteristics, Ghassoul Clay firms your skin and decreases immense pores.

Appropriate for Delicate skin
There has been several trials on Ghassoul and it has been proven to tolerate all skin types. The minerals it encompasses help decrease inflammation or drying the skin.


Aurys products are available in Natural health & Food stores and online dans at

Rang e:Shampoo 250 ml and 500 ml, Ghassoul powder (300 g), Ghassoul  (300 g) and shower cream (300 g).

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