2014 - 03 - Skinceuticals Advanced Pigment Corrector

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Do you have dark spots?

Melanin is the pigment that gives skin color and is produced in excess as a protective response to insults to the top layer of skin. All skin types develop skin discolorations caused by an overproduction of melanin in skin as a result of aggressors, such as UV exposure, hormonal fluctuations, and inflammation, like breakouts. The excess melanin accumulates with age, leading to stubborn discolorations and dark spots. These discolorations are stubborn and deeply rooted making them susceptible to reoccurrence, even when treated. Skinceuticals is renowned for their products to dade stubborn discoloration and enhances resistance to new pigment.

Advanced Pigment Corrector is clinically proven and tested on all ethnicities to help correct and prevent unwanted pigmentation. It works via a multi-layer mechanism with an highly effective formula that works via four modes action:
1. Exfoliates existing spots
2. Inhibits melanin transfer
3. Blocks excess melanin production
4. And enhances skin’s resistance to new and reoccurring pigmentation.

This powerful multi-layer treatment is a highly effective, safe, full-facial approach to reducing stubborn discolorations and preventing reoccurrence. In addition to its efficacy on the appearance of skin discolorations and dark spots, Advanced Pigment Corrector boosts skin tone evenness and radiance. Try it!

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