What is acne?

Acne > What is acne?

An acne breakout starts in the skin's tiny holes, commonly called pores. It takes about two to three weeks before a blemish shows up on the skin's surface.
Deep within each pore is a sebaceous gland that works to produce sebum, an oil that keeps skin soft and moist. As the skin renews itself, old skin cells die and are shed off. But some people shed skin unevenly and as a result, dead cells mix with sebum and clump together to form a sticky plug. This plug traps oil and bacteria inside the pore — the beginning of a blemish.

Different types
Blackheads and whiteheads, also known as comedones
Comedones are enlarged pores filled with sebum. Blackheads are comedones that have opened onto the skin surface. Whiteheads are comedones that are closed on the surface.

These inflamed follicles occur when the P. acnes bacteria in the follicle attracts infection-fighting cells. The follicle may rupture, spilling its contents into the surrounding skin, causing further inflammation.

Nodules and cysts
They represent more severe forms of acne that go deeper into the skin, forming firm, deep bumps and swellings; similar to pimples, they result from increased sebum production, which leads to bacterial growth, irritation and redness.

Just a few facts, at random

Acne usually begins between the ages of ten and thirteen, and persists for five to ten years. Acne breakouts are most common on the face, but they can also occur on the back, shoulders, neck, chest, scalp, upper arms and legs.
Heat, humidity, dust, pollution and stress, as well as dead skin cells and excessive sebum production, contribute to the clogging of pores.

The main problems that young people with combination or oily skin have to deal with are:

  • Shine 35 %
  • Blackheads 56 %
  • Pimples 59 %

Young men and women get acne in equal numbers. Younger males are more prone to severe, longer-lasting forms of the skin condition.

What causes the skin to breakout?

Blemishes are caused when a combination of excess sebum and dead cells accumulate on the surface of the skin, clogging pores.
Thids mixture of cells and sebum sometimes combine with bacteria, causing inflammation, redness and swelling - in other words comedos or blackheads and pimples.

Get to know your own body chemistry

During puberty, hormones accelerate oil-producing sebaceous glands into hyperdrive, putting teen skin at particular risk for acne. There are many reasons why blemishes crop up on skin but heredity, puberty and other hormonal changes are the biggest culprits.

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