Getting Closer with Smooth Legs is as Easy 1-2-3!

All about skincare > Get rid of unwanted hair > Shaving > Getting Closer with Smooth Legs is as Easy 1-2-3!

Step 1 - Prep

Bubble Over - Shower or bathe before you shave. Although women's hair is finer than men's, it's still about as tough as copper wire of the same thickness. Hydrating hair with warm water makes it 60 per cent easier to cut.

'Gelicious' - Wash your legs and underarms to remove natural oils and perspiration. Apply an amply amount of moisture-rich shave gel before shaving to help keep hair in the water and to ensure that the razors glides easily over the skin.

Step 2 - Shave

Look Sharp - Shave with a fresh blade. Fresh blades provide a closer, smoother, more comfortable shave and can help prevent cuts and irritation. Women should replace blades at the first sign of dullness or discomfort.

Use long and even strokes for legs/ short strokes for the most difficult parts. Although legs can be the easiest to shave, remember to be careful on bony and folded areas.

Stretch your skin. With your free hand, try stretching the skin on difficult areas (such as ankles and knees) to avoid cuts and ensure a good shave.

Go with the grain first. To prevent serious skin damage and razor burn, always start to shave in the direction of the hair growth. Once your have removed most of the hairs, you can finish the shave by passing against the grain to get a closer shave. Draw your hand over your skin to feel the direction of the hair growth.

Smooth Sailing - Use a light touch, exerting as little pressure as possible. Re-lather before shaving the bikini and other sensitive areas.

Leave hard-to-shave spots for last - The backs of knees and thighs, and areas like ankles, where the bone is close to the skin surface, are often difficult to shave.

Rinse shaver after each stroke. This will allow the next stroke to be more productive so you won’t have to pass too many times over the same spot, therefore reducing the risk of irritation. Always rinse your shaver in hot running water. If you shave during bathing, simply shaking the blade into the bathtub may be less productive and less hygienic.

Step 3 - Moisturize

Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize - Moisturizing your legs helps keep skin hydrated and supple, not to mention glowing.

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