How to apply your nail polish like a pro

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Basic tips

Always protect the nail plate with a base coat and allow it to set before applying polish.

Test consistency of polish on nail tip before beginning.

Dip brush into the polish and wipe off the excess on the bottle neck.

If you choose a dark color, consider protecting your nails by first applying a coat of clear polish to prevent your natural nails from coloring when you remove your nail polish.

Wait 2 minutes to let the first coat dry, then apply a second coat of polish.

Depending on the brand and consistency, you may have to apply 2 or 3 coats to make it more resistant, shiny and bright. A second coat also helps even out the color.

Always use long, even strokes when applying nail polish - avoid dabbing as the second coat will cover any missed areas.

1. Begin by applying polish down to the centre of the nail in one stroke, from base to tip, leaving a small space between polish and cuticle.

2. Apply polish to cuticle base, stopping just short of the cuticle.

3/4. Lift brush and stroke each side of nail from base to tip,

Tips & Tricks

After applying a coat of polish, run your fingertip along the edge of the nail. Removing the polish from this thin strip will give you better hold and prevent chipping.

When painting nails, the thinner the coat, the better. The polish will dry faster and hold better.

For a long lasting manicure, apply a clear top coat every second day. It will preserve your nails' brilliance and prevent chipping.

The perfect time to apply your polish is shortly before bed. That way, the polish has all night to dry, resulting in better hold.


Shoot! I smudged the edge!
At home manicures are often tricky to do and mistakes can easily be made - unsightly traces of polish can be left around the cuticles. If color has touched the cuticle or skin, wait until the polish has dried and remove with a cotton wool-wrapped manicure stick dipped in nail polish remover, or use Mavalas' handy Corrector pen which is designed for this purpose. One stroke of its acetone-free solvent saturated tip instantly and effectively removes nail polish from cuticles and fingertips.

Shoot! I have to go!
Mavala Mavadry - Put on a coat of Mavadry Nail Polish Finish. In just one minute your nails are touch dry and the color is beautifully enhanced.

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