All about body skincare > Exfoliation
Just give me a chance to breathe!
Isn’t that something we often feel like yelling at the top of our lungs?
Well, your skin feels the exact same way when the change of season comes along!
It’s true! We tend to remember to exfoliate our face but we shouldn’t forget that our body requires the same!
Sometimes called sablage corporel, sablonnage doux ou peeling, this technique basically allows us to fee our skin of its dandruff (dead skin).
One should know that the epidermis produces cells that constantly renew themselves. As a result it rids itself of “old” cells, which we call “dead skin cells”. Skin that is considered “normal” generally renews itself on a 28-day cycle, much like the menstruation cycle.
This process tends to slow down with age and this is one of the reasons why skin looses some of its radiance. The concept is the same as with our faces. We live in pollution. Even if we wash ourselves regularly – with the help of a wash cloth and some soap – it isn’t enough! Exfoliation has for main purpose to rid the skin’s top layer of dead cells, which obstruct pores and accentuate fine lines.
Exfoliating skin in a gentle manner and on a regular basis can become a major tool when it comes to decelerating the effects of time.
These are impurities, plain and simple. Do you have rough elbows? It’s because you wear them out. We don’t think about that. The callused layer of the epidermis acts as a protective barrier. The cells forming it also have the property of self-exfoliating on the surface, as the cells are renewed at the bottom; this, however, doesn’t mean that nature can’t use a little bit of help.
At home, we often have a tendency to overdo things. Filled with good intentions, we pick an area and tackle it with all our might. We grab a pumice stone and attack our rough heels, stopping only once we can see a noticeable difference and feel the skin as soft as a baby’s bottom. Mistake! This causes the skin to rebel, interpreting our good intentions as an attack. In an attempt to defend itself, it will form a new layer of calluses as a form of protection.
The case is the same for body exfoliation. Exfoliation is achieved with the help of sea salts, sea weeds, clay or creams containing granules created specifically for this purpose. Depending on the product used, the palm of the hand, a luffa ?glove/puff? or a soft brush will be used. Some products available on the market are too rough. And then there’s the method… We do the job with all the energy we can muster but beware of scratching the skin. The gestures used for exfoliation differ from those used for massage techniques; they must follow the flow of lymphatic circulation and go from the extremities towards the heart. The movement must be energetic enough to bring about a light flush (caused by the influx of blood below the skin) without going as far as to cause skin irritation. The latter will make skin go red and look blotchy. Dermatologists see more and more patients having developed eczema and other such lovely conditions due to a lack of protection of their skin. Ferocious exfoliation harms the protective layer of the skin, which cannot renew itself fast enough and leaves skin prone to the most unlikely of infections. Don’t rough the sebum that is a natural protection for the skin. Be gentle.
Once a week you can replace your usual body wash with a body exfoliating product containing small granules. There are no magic treatments, however. It’s all about prevention.
The word from institutes is that a body peel is recommended with the change of seasons.
In the winter skin develops a thicker protective barrier. Like a snake, our skin sheds this protective layer in the spring and takes on a new one. Did you know that not removing this layer properly will result in a tan that is less even? In the winter we often believe that we have dry skin when it may actually be an accumulation of dead skin cells. It’s important to give way to the renewing of cells. Skin then appears more toned, radiant and has that coveted “healthy glow”.
Use a product that is specifically intended for exfoliation. Some people use a dry, coarse glove, ever so slightly dipped in a toner containing alcohol or a cologne… While this may be the ideal technique to spontaneously learn how to dance the lambada, it is not recommended as an exfoliation technique.
Avoid all exfoliation if you have rosacea or skin that is often red because the granules may worsen your condition.
Avoid sun exposure in the hours following an exfoliation because skin is more sensitive.
Avoid exfoliating and doing hair removal in the same day.
A peel decongests skin and opens pores. Don’t forget to end the treatment by applying a good cream that will hydrate your body thoroughly.

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