True or False... It's time to rethink old ideas!

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True or False... It's time to rethink old ideas!

1. Cellulite is a problem exclusive to women.

TRUE and FALSE: In men, adipose tissue represents 12% of normal weight and is localized on the neck, shoulders, chest and stomach. In women, it represents about 25% of normal weight and is concentrated mostly on the buttocks, hips and thighs.

On the other hand, the skin's make-up doesn't respect the equality of the sexes. The skin's fat lobules are larger in women than in men; they are also positioned differently at the skin's surface. In women, for hormonal reasons, fat clusters are situated vertically in relation to the dermis and are therefore more visible. The padding of the feminine lobules, unlike those of men, forms little subcutaneous balls. When the skin loses firmness, it ripples, conforming to the tops of the lobules under the epidermis so that the skin's surface takes on an unsightly "orange peel" or "cottage cheese" texture. It can be seen if you pinch your skin between your thumb and index finger. What's more, because women's skin is thinner, this rippled texture is more visible. In men, fat clusters are smaller and are positioned obliquely so when the skin is pinched, these clusters slide over each other without creating little pads of fat. Therefore men are not subject to the appearance of cellulite except in the case of hormonal imbalance.

2. Cellulite is exclusively an aesthetic problem.

FALSE: Cellulite can be accompanied by a painful sensitivity when the skin is touched. One more reason to try to limit it.

3. Cellulite is often related to circulatory problems.

TRUE: A circulatory deficit, which may be related to hormonal changes, contributes to cellulite development. In the case of serious vascular problems in the lower limbs, a broader health care approach needs to be considered.

4. You can be thin and still have cellulite.

TRUE: Contrary to popular belief, almost all women (even the thinnest!) have some cellulite. It results from the body stocking fat and water in the fat cells and it shows up for various reasons: genetic predisposition, poor blood and lymphatic circulation, diet, stress, lack of exercise, and hormonal or nutritional imbalance. Even pencil-thin models aren't exempt from the dreaded orange peel skin. In thin women cellulite is connected to superficial fat deposits; on the other hand, the heavier you are, the more deeply the fat is embedded: cellulite with excess weight.

5. Your eating habits have nothing to do with cellulite.

FALSE: If you eat poorly, you gain weight. And if you gain weight, cellulite appears and develops even more if you have a fondness for fats and sugars.

6. Cellulite starts showing up in adolescence.

FALSE: Cellulite begins at birth. Babies, whether boys or girls, already have fat deposits in their buttocks. Then at puberty, boys produce male hormones, become leaner and more muscular, while in girls, the fat cells migrate and create reserves, stocking water and fat from food.

7. Cellulite concentrates in certain areas of the body.

TRUE: Women generally show an excess of fat lobules around the thighs (particularly the outer thighs with the dreaded saddlebags), hips and buttocks. It's the gynoid body type!

8. Some periods are particularly significant for the development of cellulite.

TRUE: Cellulite is affected by women's daily hormonal changes due to the menstrual cycle. Pregnancy and menopause are also key periods for the development of cellulite.

9. To conquer it, you should go on a diet.

TRUE and FALSE: If you're overweight, a slimming diet is an essential part of the overall plan to fight cellulite. But diet alone won't get rid of those cottage cheese thighs. And if you're already thin, you should avoid dieting: it will only hollow out your cheeks and breasts without any effect on cellulite. The most effective slimming creams offer good results if used for at least a month. More serious are radical medical solutions such as liposuction.

10. Cellulite will disappear with a massage glove.

FALSE: On the contrary, avoid it at all costs! Massage gloves aggravate the epidermis and destroy the hydrolipic film that protects it, while producing no effect on cellulite. Furthermore they inevitably cause the small vessels near the surface of the skin to burst. Also prohibited: hot baths, which are a disaster for blood circulation.

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